Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Tell me how...
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Lamanya tak update blog. Lots to share, it just that I have crush on Instagram right now. Haha. Tulis blog macam komitmen, bila start je terus merepek panjang berjela. Tapi nak start tu rasa cam alahai lemah je. Haha. After all, blog memang tempat nak go down to memory lane, tempat nak buat kenangan dan tempat nak share good things with people.
How's my life has been so far?
GREAT. siap capslock lagik. yeah, ada drama sana sini, but I wouldn't ask for more. Counting HIS blessing, and I am one lucky girl. Alhamdulillah.
#1 Maryam Nur Zahra'
She is such an adorable little girl. Growing up so fast. She is one of the best thing that happened in my life. Even until now, it's so surreal. Now dah mengengsot sana sini. I was mistaken cakap kat orang yang Maryam dah merangkak. Padahal mengengsot hoii. Merangkak bila begerak angkat bontot.
She start on solid food on the day she turn 6-months. Yeah, I am that skema. I am that type of mother who follows what the book say. Alhamdulillah, she loves to eat almost everything that introduced to her. She ate a lot. I am a happy Ummi. Seronok hoii tengok anak makan. I masih larat dan rajin prepared puree for her. Harapnya kekal rajin sampai ke sudah lah.
#2 Holiday
We've been planning for a holiday. To a place that can relax our mind. Not a busy hustle bustle place. Not a shopping centre attraction. An island specifically, even I cannot snorkelling much with Maryam around. Problem now is hard to find a week that both of us are free. For me, Cameron Highland pun will do, cuma nak jugak pergi pulau kan? This year, I tak pergi bercuti ke mana pun. Pergi Langkawi je, tu pun more to shopping instead of betul-betul bercuti rehat minda.
#3 Study
Alhamdulillah, I finally cekal hati nak continue study. Part time basis, more to online instead of classes. Sebab sayang masa weekend nak tinggal Maryam. So I guess online was a better choice until I find it hard to squeeze some time in a day, to look at the slides. Not digesting yet what the course is all about. I am not that ambitious macam certain student yang amek 4 subjects this sem. I only took 2 subjects. Tu pun rasa tak terbawak. The final exam would be around December. Cuak. Pray that I have the courage to strive for what I dream of. Yep, nak belajar dan belajar selagi hayat di kandung badan.
If you asked me now, I have few list to fulfill:
(a) Enrol in swimming class
(b) Learn how to bake
(c) Master the Arabic language
(d) Learn how to sew
(e) Start a small business
My problem is, finding the time. I know, I didn't fully utilise my time. Still boleh curi sana sini. But for now, I think my baby needs me more. Macam ada forum agama after friday work, I choose to go back home playing with my baby girl. Even if I attend the forum agama, my baby pun dapat pahala for it. I just dont think so. I don't know on the agama perspective much (shame on me), but I rather go back home seeing my baby. Yesterday, I attended an hour ceramah from Ustaz Haslin or Ustaz bollywood people called him, during lunch time. Then, I realized yang I need that for my inner strength, for my spiritual. Dah lama I tak attend majlis ilmu, so rasa diri far away from Dear Lord. I just feel something missing. That one pieces yang missing tulah, yang bagi impact besar for myself. Muhasabah.
Thanks Allah for sending me great friends. The old friends and the new friends. Bila berkawen ada anak, I found myself jarang take the effort nak keep in touch with friends. Makin zaman lagi canggih senang nak connect, makin I malas nak utilised all those technology. But sometimes, when they took the effort to say hi, or even gossips, I am touched. I kinda missed those moments we used to spend time together. Again, my lame excuse is, it is hard to find time. Kalau berwhatsapp pn, I susah nak commit. Susah nak reply time-time tu jugak.
I am glad I met those beautiful ladies. You know who you are. Start with comments kat blog dorang. Tukar fon number, create whatsapp group and start meeting each other. Hari raya is a great time. Bulan August boleh cakap jumpa every week. Haha. Penuh event, cuma I je tak sempat nak host event panggil dorang datang rumah. Nanti-nantilah weh. Tak ready lagik nak jadi host. Haha. And yes, bila dah close ne and Hazz is leaving us, memang terasa sedihnya. Hope our friendship will last forever, harap nya nanti-nanti takde gado-gado. Tak badmouth each other. Kawan atas dasar berkongsi dan nak tengok semua orang bahagia, Inshaallah hubungan kita semua dalam peliharaan Allah. Amin
I guess that is all for now. Tiba-tiba hilang momentum nak becerita. Haha.
Take care you ols. Till then. Tata.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Kiehl's : Deodorant Cream
Sunday, July 21, 2013
The Other Half
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Dapur Berasap : Rendang Ayam
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
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Birthday Boy |
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Starter |
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Dessert |
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Middle East Cuisine |
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Tomyam & Sup |
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Local Cuisine |
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Btw, hadiah takde. Sebab he cant decided what he want. Haha. Dia nak Oakley Holbrook sebenarnya, tapi I tak mampu hokayh. Nanti I tolong topup aje la. Gagagaga. Men's stuff is soo expensive. Hubs punya taste kadang-kadang I tak mampu nak capai. Gittew.
Happy Birthday dearest husband. Maryam tuh kira hadiah for this birthday lah ye. Last year, masa birthday hubs I baru tau I pregnant, tu pun kira hadiah birthday. Aci tak?? Hahaha
May you have so many reasons to be happy, especially when Maryam and I are around right?? Haaa :)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Random Updates
I am still adjusting new life with baby and work. Not that I stress kat office bagai, it just that I penat travel pagi-malam hantar Maryam to MIL's place.
# Maryam Nur Zahra'
My darling sweetheart is progressing very well. She's such a bubbly little girl. Suka bercakap sorang-sorang. Membebel je. Hubs said, that one inherited from me. Gagagaga.
# Further study
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
#1st week of June
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Back to the Office
Today is my first day at the office after 3-months maternity leave.
Today is my first time apart from my baby girl.
Like all mother out there, how I wish I can be 24-hours with my baby girl. Ya Allah, since Maghrib semalam I dah start drama air mata. Sedih kot. Usually Maryam bukak mata je ngadap muka Ummi dia, and today I am not there.
And, to make things even worst, I left my handphone at home. Damn. Hubs got 2 phone, and I borrowed one. Not because I want to get access to instagram or what, it just that I need to look at my baby girl picture while I am away from her. I did bring her last nigh wash cloths. Ada bau Maryam.
I didn't function at the office today. Still in the midst of sorting out email. I didn't bother to read all email one by one, I straight away forwarded it to archive. Not in the mood.
After this, I am going to hibernate and pumping milk at the musolla until lunch time.
I am not going to express my feelings much here, or else I cry like a Niagara fall.
I miss my baby girl damn much :(
Friday, May 17, 2013
MaryamNurZahra' : Flight Experience
Thursday, May 16, 2013
MaryamNurZahra' : Bergolek & Meniarap
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Impulse Buying
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Dapur Berasap : Udang Masak Lemak Cili Api
Monday, May 13, 2013
When in Bali
We went to Bali somewhere in November last year. Can't recall the exact date. Haha. I was 6-months pregnant at that time.
Bali is awesome. You can't shopping much there, but you will enjoy the sight-seeing and beautiful beach.
I am glad we went there while my baby girl still in my womb. Susah nak travel while having baby because the preferred transport is scooter. Syok round naek scooter, especially the night life, memang best tengok gelagat matsalleh drunk at the bar along the road.
My hubs and I bawak sejuta rupiah je sebab trip di sponsor oleh MIL. Haha, but we cant resist the crocs there. Sungguh design crocs kat sana sangat rare, ada a few yang takde kat sini. Harga sama sahaja tapi beli sebab design chantek. Hubs did shopping a lot. Kasut la, sandal, jeans, baju, macam-macam la. I beli sepasang crocs dan fridge magnet kat peti ais sendiri ja. Being pregnant (read:extra penat), you wont remember to buy souvenir to family and friends. Sungguh. Sorry sangat-sangat.
All in all, I must say Bali is a must visit place. Will go there again bila Maryam dah besar sikit. Tapi mungkin cover area Legian ke yang private sikit. Kuta quite busy la.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
I have decided to deactivate my Facebook account for a while. The reason being is, I just cant stand the rantings on pasca-general election. Annoying.
According to a friend, she can stand the lovey-dovey messages of girlfriends-boyfriends on her news feed but not the GE rantings. So did I. As much as I annoyed couples who live under one roof but replying each other messages on FB (they want the world to know how sweet they are perhaps *hands on the chest, rolling eyes up*), these GE rantings are more annoying. Period.
I do not want to judge people, especially close people in my heart. True colours appeared. Too much hatred, too much negative vibes. I felt like I don't get enough oxygen reading those keyboard warriors rantings. Don't let me start with the languages used. Fainted :(
Saturday, May 4, 2013
This is going to be my first and last post regarding 13th general election.
This is my first time to cast my vote. The last time, I was studying in Sarawak. Excited?? Of course.
Hubs was kind enough to send me back home. Even fahaman politik kami berdua berbeza. He's an extremist. Seriously, I never met someone who passionate about politic like him. Kalau I sibuk online baca blog kawan-kawan, dia sibuk baca blog politik aje. We don't talk much about politic. Sebab takut bergaduh. Kalau balik rumah family hubs, tadah telinga dengar ja propaganda politik masing-masing. Same goes to him kalau balik kampung I. I bukan hardcore politic, my parents are. I choose to observe. Because deep down I sendiri taktau nak percaya pihak mana.
In my prayers, I always asked Allah to show which is right, which is wrong. Sebab I jadi takut. When I started to believed other party, then dengar/baca yang sebaliknya. I pun tak yakin dengan party yang I yakin selama ne.
Sometimes, I am so tired with these politic issues. But I just cant choose to not bother. Kerap kali I rasa kenapa politik Malaysia ne kotor? A tuduh B, B tuduh A. A cakap B samseng, B cakap A samseng. Penat. Taktau nak percaya mana.
I had tried digging one issue, tak nak percaya cakap atas angin ja. When I started to believed with what I found out, dikhabarkan pulak source I tu tak betul. Website kena hacked. Demm, it becomes hard for me. You know, this game will never end. Macam isu Lahad Datu, A cakap B dalang, B cakap A dalang. Padahal nyawa berapa orang terkorban. Can you both stop doing that and think of the public.
In my conclusion, you choose what you want to hear. What you want to read. What you want to believed. Macam orang A percaya apa dalam Buletin Utama & Utusan Malaysia. Dia taknak percaya apa ada dalam web Rakyat Marhaen, Malaysia Kini & Harakah Daily. Begitu jugak sebaliknya. Orang A claim source B menipu, orang B pun rasa source A seleweng. Sama sahaja.
Macam kat KL, makcik kawan I kena pukul dengan geng A yang tengah konvoi. Kat kampung I pulak, budak konvoi moto B pukul dan maki hamun sorang pakcik yang naek moto tampal bendera A. See, politik kotor dengan golongan macam ne. Yang majoritinya budak-budak yang tak layak mengundi lagik pun.
I am against corruption, kroni, parti anak beranak, seleweng, control media masa (it is obviously unfair) dan sombong dengan rakyat. I am against campaign yang beriya mengutuk orang. Can you just campaign highlight what you want to strive for public instead of stabbing directly to your opposition. Politik kotor namanya.
Kalau tengok kat FB lagi sakit kepala. Cukup la sorang post status berbaur politik. Punya la bederet komen pro dan anti. Bahasa takyah cakap la, memang tak mencerminkan budaya dan budi bahasa. Naseb baek Insta tak seteruk FB. Cuma I nampak sekali, Elfira Loy upload gambar dia kat event NajibMyPm kot, ada orang comment kat dia cakap 'macai hardcore'. Relaks la bro. Dia tak boleh mengundi pun. If Yes pun, can u just leave her page and move on with your life. Kalau takde nice things to say, baek you diam.
I taktau apa isu Azhar Sulaiman sampai dia pergi report polis. Got to do dengan politik jugak ke? Tapi ada orang komen cakap, 'aku doa dia mati kena sambar petir' & ' Kalau B menang, banned dia je kat TV'. Ya Allah, orang Islam doa kat Islam laen macam tu. Sedih.
Kalau tengok flyers, pasal isu hudud. A spread one side of issue ja. Macam kalau hudud di aplikasi, kena tengok wayang seperate laki perempuan dan few issue yang I rasa sangat tak adil. Cuba nak menakutkan non-muslim barangkali.
Isu keji lagi satu adalah kalau B amek alih, artis perempuan tak boleh menyanyi/belakon lagik. Kerjaya akan tamat macam tuh je.
Kenapa nak guna taktik kotor?
Ada satu post I baca, cakap B tediri dari orang educated. Orang educated pilih B. Jadi yang tinggal kat A, semua orang buta hati. Amboihhhh.
Penat weii...
I chose to vote the person itself instead of the party. If the candidate is kind enough, banyak tolong orang kampung but he's not from your favourite party, takkan you nak buta tuli vote jugak orang laen?? Unless 2-2 calon memang humble, down to earth then you have to consider you nak bagi mandat kat parti mana?
Cepatlah semua ne berakhir. Sapa pun yang menang, jalankan amanah Allah ne sebaek mungkin.
Yang kalah, terima kenyataan. Next election cuba lagik.
Please stop accusing one another. Kami rakyat biasa, nak apa yang dijanjikan. Nak hidup aman damai tanpa dendam.
#pendapat diri sendiri, takde kaitan yang hidup mahupun mati.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Hate the situation when I have to explain why I am not fully breastfeed my baby girl. Do I have to?
Just received a long email from a friend (who concerned so much of me) telling me what to consumes and whatnot. Complete with the list of lactation consultants and not to forget the negative effects of formula milk. Duhh.. Siap tanya lagik, ne dah buat ke? Betul ke dah buat? Intro email, 'I heard that you are giving fm to your baby, why don't you bf your baby? Pity little Maryam.'
Thanks babe, but no thanks. I would appreciate if you could just mind your own business.
I am working on it. What I really need is your support, not being so judgemental and thinking that I just sit down and do nothing.
I love my baby girl more than everything. I only want to give her not only the best, but the bestest I could give. I am willing to die for her. Please please please stop being so concern when I wonder where are you all this while???
#emotahapgaban :(
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Majlis Aqiqah Maryam Nur Zahra'
Salam :)
Date : 3 March 2013 (Sunday)
Masa ne Maryam baru berusia 13hari dan Umminya pun masih dalam pantang. We ols aqiqah kan seekor kambing untuk Maryam.
Al-kisahnya we ols tumpang majlis tunang adik ipar I. Tapi memang majlis tunang tu ditunda-tunda supaya boleh tunggu I bersalin dulu. Naseb baek adik ipar I dan family tunang dia boleh tunggu. Haha. Maryam cucu sulung sebelah hubs I. Memang boleh nampak keterujaan tu. Masa I tengah mengandung memang la dilayan baek punya. Kalau tercakap nak makan spagheti pukul 11malam, time tu jugak MIL I kerah hubs pergi beli.
We ols tak buat majlis berendoi & cukur jambul pun. Sebab, I masih dalam pantang tak kuasa nak beriya bagai. Rambut Maryam dicukur 2 days before majlis aqiqah, iaitu pada 1 March 2013 (Jumaat). So, hari kenduri tu dimulakan dengan majlis tunang adik ipar I. Pastu acara makan-makan sampai ke petang.
Tapi guests yang datang semua tau lah PIL I baru dapat cucu. Haha. Maryam dapat banyak hadiah gilaaa. I tukang collect duet dan hadiah. Sebab semua orang sebok nak pegang Maryam. Hadiah paling best adalah Burberry dress. Adoi, tak sabar I nak tunggu Maryam besar nak pakaikan dress tu. Ummi awak pun tak pernah ada barang Burberry sayang oii.
Ayah si Maryam ne paling kalut hari tu. Excited baru jadi Ayah la katakan. Kawan I ke, kawan dia ke yang datang, memang dia cepat-cepat pergi amek Maryam nak tunjuk. Most of the time, I dalam rumah je. Dengan lampin, bip maryam dalam kocek baju melayu dia lagik. Semua orang cakap, jatuh saham hubs I, semua orang tau dia ada anak dah. Tupun dia nak beli belt yg khas untuk letak segala barang Maryam, senang nak gerak tanpa tercicil barang Maryam. Of course la I tak bagi beli, entah ape-ape la my hubs ne. Bukan boleh diikut sangat rasa excited dia tuh.
Hmm..tanggungjawab untuk aqiqah kan Maryam dah selesai. Lega. Lepas ne Ummi & Ayah nak kena selesaikan tanggungjawab sunatkan awak pulak la sayang.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Period Selepas Bersalin
Salam :)
I got my period yesterday. Haish. I don't know I should be worry or not. I mean, haish kenapa cepat sangat?
I am not fully breastfeed my baby. Sebab tu kot datang awal. Apa la I ne, pasal period pun nak update kat blog. Haha. I terkaku jap bila tau dah period. I checked with my friend, dia cakap kalau period datang normal lepas habes nifas adalah orang tersebut sangat subur. Orang fully breastfeed tak termasuk hokayh. Tu la untungnya BF anak. :( sobs.
Dah lama tak period, sekali mai rasa nak demam betul.
Bila sebut subur I pulak lah yang risau. Nextweek baru checkup dengan my gynae. Nanti I tanya what choice do I have for family planning. Sementara nak jumpa gynae, can u girls help me with these:
(1) Checkup lepas bersalin, gynae check ape? Dont tell me ada adegan seluk-menyeluk lagik. Gerun mak :(
(2) For family planning, choice ape yg okay? Implant? Pills? Cucuk bontot? Ape yang tak affect milk production?
(3) How long does it take for stitches down there to be okay? Malu nak cakap, tapi I memang tak pernah tengok cermin or sentuh dengan jari kat tempat jait tuh. Seriauuu. When the stitches actually dissolve? I iz risau. :(
P.s. Haaa, semalam I tengok WHI. Gynae from Columbia Asia Hospital said, there is no research proven that perineal massage do help for vagina wall tearing. But westeners keep on doing that. Kalau nak buat jugak, buatlah guna olive oil. Sekian. Ok, bai.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Salam :)
I mengaku, masa pregnant I selalu la baca pasal parenting neh. Nak fully equipped kononnya. Berusaha nak jadi Ummi yang terbaek. Tapi bila anak dah ada depan mata, perkara paling penting yang I sedar adalah SABAR.
Sabar dalam segala hal. Paling mencabar bila kita dah penat and sleepy, si kecik ne taknak jugak tido. Nak ajak borak/maen. Dalam hati memang berperang habes dengan segala rasa. Kadang-kadang rasa nak mengeluh, tapi tahan-tahan. Selalunya dalam hati I terlintas, 'Ummi penat ne, tido lah cepat', takpun, 'Nape nanges lagik ne?'. Ya Allah, dipohon kesabaran yang tinggi. Ujian ne kecil sahaja.
Apa yang I belajar, kalau dalam hati berperang dengan perkara negatif, lagik I penat. Lagik masalah tak selesai. Baby pun faham yang Ummi dia dok bergolak dengan perasaan. Lagik dia taknak tido. Lagik dia menanges. Bila I dah tenang, dah boleh handle rasa segala rasa negatif, I perasan Maryam will sleep easily and will stop crying. Bila Maryam dah fall asleep, tengok muka dia memang rasa Ya Allah, berbaloinya rasa penat mengantuk semua tu.
Terima Kasih Ya Allah atas kurniaan-Mu ini.
Sabar yang tak kurang pentingnya adalah pabila banyak sangat orang terlebih concern melampau kat anak kita. Relatives and parent's friends been constantly visiting Maryam. And Maryam got constipation problems these few days. Banyak la nasihat free yang I rasa hmmmphh. Ada yang suruh bagi makan limau, prune la, madu la. Hello, Maryam is just about 2-months old. Ada sorang ne lagik la, dia cakap anak dia dulu pun susah nak poo poo, dah tukar semua jenis susu pun sama jugak. Last-last dia stop susu bagi air masak je kat anak dia. Bila nurse kat KK marah dia cakap la anak dia membesar sihat aje. FYI, I tengok anak dia ingat baru 2tahun lebih, rupanya dah dekat 4tahun. Kecik kurus kering anak dia. So boleh agak la kan, dia advice the same thing dekat I. Dengar aje lah. Lepas kes tu I dah pesan kat Mak I, takyah la nak cerita pasal Maryam susah nak poo poo lagik. Malas nak dengar nasihat macam-macam ne.
Yang paling I geram, ada satu petang tu I bawa Maryam jalan-jalan depan rumah. Ada la sorang ustazah ne lalu depan rumah. Kebetulan Maryam tengah nanges, sebab I berhenti baca asma-ul-husna. (I dah lenguh mulut time ne). Ustazah tu memang tak berhenti pun. Lalu senyum aje. Esoknya Abah I pergi la beli Ikan Bakar, terserempak dengan kawan-kawan dia yang tengah makan kat situ, dorang semua cakap dorang dengar cerita yang cucu Abah I ne tak sehat (read:ada masalah kesihatan) sebab asyik nanges ja. Bila Abah I tanya sape cerita? Dorang cakap ustazah tu yang cerita. OMG. Abah I marah sangat. I dengar pun lagik la marah. Ya Allah, sabar je la. I tak kacau hidup Ustazah tu pun. :(
Hari-hari I cakap kat diri I masa bangun tido. Hari ne kena lebih sabar. Hari ne kena lebih sabar.
Lahirnya Maryam dalam hidup ktorang adalah kurniaan besar dari Allah, jadi I mesti jaga diri dan peribadi supaya tak sia-siakan amanat Allah ne. InshaAllah :)