Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Salam :)

I have decided to deactivate my Facebook account for a while. The reason being is, I just cant stand the rantings on pasca-general election. Annoying.

According to a friend, she can stand the lovey-dovey messages of girlfriends-boyfriends on her news feed but not the GE rantings. So did I. As much as I annoyed couples who live under one roof but replying each other messages on FB (they want the world to know how sweet they are perhaps *hands on the chest, rolling eyes up*), these GE rantings are more annoying. Period.

I do not want to judge people, especially close people in my heart. True colours appeared. Too much hatred, too much negative vibes. I felt like I don't get enough oxygen reading those keyboard warriors rantings. Don't let me start with the languages used. Fainted :(


  1. yeah ive deactivated mine as well..too much negativity, not good for the baby

  2. i pn mls nk scroll newsfeed. bosannn hahaha.

  3. me too. fed up betul tgk newsfeed.

  4. i pun terpaksa unfriend kawan. bila dah camni baru nampak true color.

  5. heheh tu belum campur yang main share je info sahih ke tidak tak peduli asalkan share terus..pastu bila salah malu sendiri..

  6. Sama. Fed up. so, bukak fb sbb nk chat dgn kawan je.
