Friday, September 30, 2011


**this is a copy-paste article from Idrus Hashim's FB .


ikuti sebuah kenyataan benar dari seorang yang mengalaminya…

“Suami saya bekerja sebagai Jurutera IT di sebuah hospital, di mana pihak hospital sedang menyiapkan pengkalan data untuk pesakitnya. Dia mengenali rapat doktor tersebut. Doktor memberitahu suami saya, apabila mengalami sakit kepala, mereka sendiri tidak sanggup mengambil Panadol atau Paracetamol. . Sebaliknya, mereka akan mencari ubatan herba Cina atau mencari altenatif lain.

Ini kerana Panadol adalah bertoksik kepada tubuh kita . Ia merosakkan organ hati . Menurut doktor tersebut, Panadol akan tinggal di dalam tubuh selama sekurang-kurangnya 5 tahun . Menurutnya lagi, pernah berlaku seorang pramugari menelan terlalu banyak Panadol semasa kedatangan haid kerana tugasnya perlu berdiri sepanjang masa penerbangan. Dia kini baru berumur 30-an tetapi sudah perlu menjalani rawatan buah pinggang (dialisis) setiap bulan.

Alternative Treatment ( Tips )

Seperti kata doktor tersebut, sakit kepala disebabkan ketidak-seimbangan elektron/ion di dalam sel otak .

Sebagai rawatan alternatif, beliau mencadangkan membeli sebotol atau 2 botol minuman isotonik, campurkan dengan air minuman pada kadar 1:1 atau 1:2. Mudahnya, secawan isotonik dengan 2 cawan air minuman.

Saya dan suami pernah mencuba kaedah ini dan mendapati ia berkesan. Kaedah lain ialah merendam kaki ke dalam besin yang mengandungi air suam. Ia akan memberi tekanan darah menurun dari kepala anda.

Panadol adalah sejenis “pain killer”, semakin banyak anda mengambilnya, semakin lama semakin kurang kesannya kepada anda. Bererti anda perlukan dos yang lebih lagi apabila ia kurang berkesan.

Kita semua akan jatuh sakit apabila usia kita semakin meningkat. Untuk wanita, mereka akan melalui pengalaman melahirkan zuriat. Bayangkan mereka akan diberi dos yang kuat apabila terpaksa melalui proses beranak melalui pembedahan.. Jika anda terlalu banyak mengambil Panadol atau Paracetamol sepanjang hidup anda, seperti mereka yang ada migrain, ia akan memberi kesan sifar terhadap kesakitan yang anda alami dan anda memerlukan ubat yang lebih kuat lagi untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit. Adakah anda sanggup diberi dadah yang kuat seperti morfin?

Hargailah kehidupan anda. Fikir sebelum mudah memasukkan ubat yang “biasa” ini ke dalam mulut anda.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MUA : Munie Ahmad @

Salam & hai girls...

Anyone getting married on 25 December 2011???
And.....still cannot find any MUA that up to your expectation?

Please..please consider my MUA.. I already booked her and paid the deposit. 

But, my majlis bertandang di awalkan sehari and she's not available on 24th.
So, tak berezeki nak dimekapkan beliau.. Dan terpaksa dilupakan sahaja.
Dan..juga terpaksa 'burn' the deposit unless ada replacement.
I sayang deposit I..Dari burn camtu je baek I replace with someone yang mungkin berminat dengan hasil kerja Kak Munie jugak.

Do take a look on her touch first..Then, let me know if you love the touch too.
What I like the most about her makeup? Sangatt cantek and mesmerizing giler especially di bahagian mata.

[kak munie's facebook]

Interested??Email me for the details.. :)

p.s- Pray hard ada yang nak replace..

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Perihal Jodoh

Kerja jodoh bukan kuasa kita. Jodoh kuasa tuhan. Sebab tu kita tak boleh jamin, the one yang sedang couple dengan kita tu adalah jodoh kita. Tak kira la dah berchenta kenal lama sejak zaman lahir pun, tapi kalau kata dah tak berjodoh tu tak boleh nak buat apa.

Dan tak semestinya hari ne kita keseorangan tak berteman, tak bermaksud jodoh kita lambat lagi. Jangan pulak makan hati tengok kawan kita sorang-sorang amek turn mendirikan rumah tangga. Jangan pulak berfikir kerut dahi, bila pulak turn kita nak sampai kan?

Kuasa tuhan. Kita tak tau cepat atau lambat. Kita taktau siapa yang akan jadi peneman hidup kita.

Kita hanya boleh berdoa banyak-banyak, semoga jodoh yang Allah tentukan tu adalah yang terbaek untuk kita.

Let me give real example. I have a friend. I knew her since Form 1, 12 years back.  I knew all about her love life. I dah bercouple dengan dua orang berlainan but she still with the same guy. During my Engagement Day, she still talk about the same guy. But, they broke up finally after that.

When both of us car pool to Hana's reception on 1 June, she've been worried that she might getting married late. Her parents are worried too. 

A week after that, I received a phone call from her, telling me that she's getting engaged next week. Oh my god, my first question to her was, 'Dengan sapa? Kami kenal dia ka tak?'. And her answer was, 'Kami pun baru ja kenal dia'.

After the Engagement, I called her to get an update. And she suprised me again with, 'Kami nak nikah raya ke-3 nanti'. Not that I terkejut dia nikah dulu dari I, just that, is she the same girl who talked how worried she is that she had not idea when her day will come. Again, kuasa Tuhan, kita semua tak dapat nak jangka.

Apparently, both newly wedd known each other for 2 months. Envy them, dapat rasa manis berchenta selepas kawen. We dont really need years to know each other before decided to get married. When the right people come at the right time, we will know it. Just like that.

I am definitely happy for both of them. I pray that they have a blissful marriage and all the great things come along their way.

Ma, sangat happy that finally you met the right guy. Mmmuaahhx..mmuuahhhx

Baju Ma sangat cantek :)

Masam Manis Adat Bertunang

Orang-rang tua selalu berpesan, dugaan bertunang sangat hebat. Sebab tu dipesan jangan bertunang lama-lama. Syaitan nye efforts berganda-ganda cuba nak pecah-belahkan pasangan yang nak mendirikan masjid. Kalau di awal pertunangan dulu, I can say semua okay. Maklumlah, I was still in the state untuk lebih mengenali pasangan. Pernah kawan-kawan bertanya, 'macam mana dengan dugaan bertunang?'. And I can proudly said, 'Alhamdulillah, everything went well'.

When the big day is approaching, about 2months from now, stress level mencanak naik. Im in a position whereby I agreed with almost everything. Dah tak sanggup nak pening kepala fikir design dais, fikir hantaran nanti macam mana dan I memang 100% serahkan pada yang pakar. If previously, I want to deco my own guestbook table but now I dah sub kepada the talented person. Sebab I dah tak mampu nk fikir,taknak serabutkan kepala lagi. Money? Still an issue for me. Pray hard duet segala bagai cukup.

My bertandang reception at KL was scheduled on the 25 Dec (X-mas Day) but FPIL decided to bring it a day forward due to some reasons. So, there it is, bertandang is on 24 Dec. I already booked the MUA for 25th, and bad luck my MUA not available on 24th. I have to let go that MUA and my deposit also burn unless ada replacement. So, to those yang nak kawen pada 25Dec 2011 dan belum lagi ada MUA,please consider my MUA. Hehe. And again I kena serabut kepala fikirkan MUA on 24th. I've been interested with Nurul Syuhada Nurul Ain's MUA. Jumpa her contact number at Renee's blog, straight away called her and betapa kecewanya I sebab Kak Laila tak available on 24th. Sobs. I.z pulak tiba-tiba bagitau yang his mom dah booked MUA for me. As for now, I redha, go with the flow dan terima any MUA. I dah taknak stress fikir dah. I always trusted I.Z's mom punya taste so I wont think much. 

I supposed to have the fitting session after Raya. But, I dont know how I can miss it until the tailor itself called me. So, I will go for a fitting next week and hope all my bajus turn out well. And my body still in shape as per measurement last 2 months. 

It can be concluded that preparation for Kedah's side almost 95% completed. And now, memang tengah focusing on KL's side preparation. Bulan October nanti memang kena start all out, termasuk settled legal documents for nikah, kad kawen, baju untuk majlis bertandang dan semuanya lah. Masa makin suntuk and I envy those yang ada banyak masa untuk prepare for their wedding.

Bila stress semua benda nak kena fikir dan penat..I tend to be easily temper. Yang mana sangat tidak bagus in any relationship. Pray hard that everything went well dan kalau boleh nak cepat-cepat nikah. Jadi, dugaaan yang paling besar, iaitu dugaan syaitan dapat dielakkan. 

Ya ALLAH, permudahkan lah segalanya. Moga kami berdua berada dalam lindungan Allah s.w.t.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tiba-tiba Sibuk Bagai

I've been busy with lots of things, for the last couple of weeks. Super tiring. But I kind of like it. The last time I busy macam ne, when Im back in AmBank. Sungguh tak cukup masa. But, this time around I busy and enjoy with what Im doing. So, no stress..No issue arised :)

@ Work
There's a major reshuffling at the office. I still buat portfolio yang sama. But, being just 6 months there I need to hadam all the jargon things cepat-cepat. Especially in the meeting, I memang selalu cepat lost, especially when they talked about the system. I have to learn hard. Very.

Raya Fever
Oh my, Open house like everyday. Even during working days. Thank God, murah rezeki. Dapat I makan macam-macam. My brother also hosting the open house in Malacca, so agak penat di sana. The best thing, dapat meet up with friends and get to know few friends. I did tagged Encik Tunang to his friend's open house. Yeah, glad that I can get-to-know his friends.

Wedding & Engagement Invitation Situ-Sana-Sini
Wedding pun setiap kali weekend mesti ada. Meriah. And did inspired me too. Heh. But, sorry I cant make it to most of the wedding. Siapa yang taknak pergi wedding kawan-kawan kan? :( Sobs, forgive me!!

Movie oh Movie
Since Encik Tunang and I tak cukup masa nak spend together tengok movie during fasting month, so both of us tiba-tiba rasa macam semua movie nak kena tengok. We watched Final Destination 5, Hantu Bonceng and Johny English: Reborn. I am no good at reviewing the movies but the 3 movies worth every penny. I tak berapa gemar Mr.Bean, tapi Encik Tunang beria ajak tengok sebab nak reformat otak I bila I keep mengadu I penat mentally physically. I need a good jokes to make me laugh and stay fresh. But I was too tired to really enjoy the movie 100%. But, I recognized his effort and I thanked him for that. He did helped me to distract myself. Thanks.

Desperately Nak Kurus
I've been talking the same issue over and over. Trust me, I memang manusia yang tak reti berdiet. But I have to. I have about 2months plus before the big day and I masih macam tu. I bukan nak slim and slender. Just that, I really hope I can cut down few kilos. Orang cakap, stress nak kawen boleh kurus, tapi I macam makin berselera ada la. So, the most I can do is substitute sweet drinks (juices, bicarbonat drinks) with plain water. I also forcing myself to drink more than 2 litre per day. I HAVE TO, even seksa asyik kerap ke toilet. Then, Encik Tunang paksa berjogging like once a week with him. Jogging dengan dia kadang-kadang stress jugak, sebab when I'm about to stop dia akan motivate I dengan cara yang agak macam paksaan. Heh. So, balik rumah dah malam terus bersiap untuk tido.

And....I sibukjugak with the wedding preps. I'll share about the wedding preps next time. Mengantuk sudaaa.. Hehe

Have a great night and am so looking forward for tomorrow. Thank God It's Friday. Finally. I want to have EXTRA rest during the weekend. EXTRA here meant I want to wake up very late on Saturday morning. Hew. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

what a day :(

Simply because i cant thinking of another better title,  i end up recycle and use the same status @ FB.

I dont know how to start..?

Had it ever occured to you,when something bad happened and it's like a chain. All the bad things will keep on coming. Until it made you realized, 'what's the sign God trying to tell you'. It's such a wake up call.

Thinking of piles of work on my table and the week going to be short with the holiday coming on Friday, I decided to go to the office a little bit early. And it's a wrong timing actually. Putra LRT got problems. Oh my, makin lama makin kerap train problem. At 8am, I still can get myself in the train. If 8am still not in the LRT, I am going to be late. When it happened I can finally squeeze myself in the train, it was very crowded and packed. I was like sardin in a can, I cant even move for a better position. Dah la, train sangat slow dan stop at the station longer than it should be. 

When the train approaching Damai station, there's announcement said that it's the last stop and all of us have to leave the train. I was like, SHITTT. I can even heard myself saying that SHITTT word. I was so mad and that shitt word did attracted people surround me and gave me one-kind of look. Oh, at that moment I dont care what people might be judging me. Like I care~

I cant remember how long I stranded at the Damai station but 7 LRTs passed by and I cant even get myself in it. Time tu jugak nak sakit perut. I terus turun pergi toilet,and so happened air kat toilet sangat kotor. Air color merah bagai. Being mad, sampai I terbukak air paip kuat gila and habis basah kaen baju kurung I. That's coming the second SHITT of the day. Then, the dryer is not working and I see no point they equipped those thing if it cannot ease the user. That's goes my 3rd SHITT. If you are pengguna tegar LRT like me and kerapkali facing this train problem since the last 3years, you will know how I really mad, especially train problem in the morning. 

Back to upstairs, the chinese girl in front of me masa beratur sebelum pergi toilet pun still tak dapat naek train. It's 9am already and I couldnt care anymore. Memang dah lambat, so I decided untuk duduk kat kerusi and malas nak bother beratur cepat-cepat naek train.

9.15 - I managed to get myself a place in the coach and I was like lega finally I can get myself in. Then, at the Kampung Baru station, I have to leave the train again. Oh my God, Rapid..It's not funny okay? Are you guys trying to play with me? There it goes, I cant stop myself from saying Shittt..shittt..shittt.. In my whole life, today is the day I sebut Shitt like hundred times.

My story doesnt stop there, sampai at Bangsar station and I was still mad. Still shit-ting. Texted encik tunang that I finally sampai Bangsar. Encik tunang adviced to recite ayat qursi, to cool down myself. Sebab I was in a state whereby I cannot think positive for whatever happened like I used to. I really cant tolerate with the train delay anymore. Seriously. I'm on my first line of the ayat qursi, a man approaching me and asked for money. I dont know what happened to me, I cant recall. What I can remember, he greeted me with salam and to borrow rm38 for reason-I-cannot-remember. He didnt touch me, I dont look into his eyes pun but I have no idea why Im giving him rm50. I did wrote something on the paper, but I cannot remember. It's 2 lines, but I seriously dont know apa yang I tulis. I tak ingat muka dia. After that man berlalu, I still at the same spot, just looking his back away from me. Then, I was like thinking why I gave him my rm50? I tak terasa nak took any action and teruskan perjalanan ke office. Tempat kejadian sangat cerah, banyak orang lalu-lalang even the guard pun nampak I berborak with the man.  I dont know, maybe I kena pukau, maybe I was too mad, I dalam dunia I sendiri ke?I cant think wise ke?..I seriously cant recall.

Masuk dalam building office, then I started thinking and shivering. Im sweating, darah terasa berderau, i sangat blank.. Sampai je office, tears running down my cheek. I sangat-sangat takut. Told my colleagues about it and I straight away changing my maybank2u password, atm pin num. Checking my cards, my jewelleries. Sebab I memang tak ingat I tulis ape on the paper.

Lesson learnt- (1) Control rasa marah-geram-sakit hati. (2) Instead of shit-ting, banyak-banyak selawat, ingat semuanya hanya dugaan Allah. (3) Recites ayat-qursi, al-fatihah, surah 3-qul everytime keluar rumah and bila rasa tak dapat control diri.  (4) Keep alert with surrounding. (5) Stop being friendly ramah tamah dengan orang tak kenal. 

Whatever is, I sangat bersyukur I selamat. Nothing bad happened. Allah nak remind me, dont take things for granted. 

Yang I ralat, Rm50 for me sangat banyak. Dengan lepas Raya, budget lari, bayar deposit sana-sini, wedding preps lagi. I am seriously sangat terasa kehilangan RM50. RM50 mean so much to me, especially dalam keadaan budget tight ne.

So, girls out there..please be extra careful. Nowadays tak kira tempat cerah ke, orang ramai ke, danger still await. Dont forget to recite ayat-qursi everytime keluar rumah.

It's a CALL. Kena muhasabah diri, Allah masih sayang. Mungkin ada benda yang I lupa, Allah nak ingatkan. I wont let this exprience just bygone like that. I want this experience to be the meaningful one. I taknak sia-siakan pengalaman ne. If not, I was at double-rugi side. RM50 melayang, masa terbuang but I learnt nothing kan? So, I will always keep this lesson in mind.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Zeti shares secrets of success

 Who doesn't even know who is Zeti Akhtar Aziz? Oh, please. Don't let me have the NO answer. 
I've been admiring her so much. She doesn't look like she's 63. She is a kind of person that I want to be in my future years. Nope, I'm not trying to tell that I want to be the Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) Governor, I am just impressed how she handle her stress. 

I pernah kerja like mad, keluar jam 7.45am, pulang sekitar 9pm, I have to work on Saturday.I dont even have a life, and I sangat stress.I can't manage myself. Icant bear with the hectic working life. That's why I resigned with 24-hours noticed and looking for another job. 

Hey, look at Zeti Akhtar, she is one of the most important person in Malaysia, she lead the financial sector but beliau sangat steady sihat walafiat segala. Cant believed at the age of 63, buah fikiran beliau masih bernilai, sangat berharga. Jauh benar stress dan responsible yang our Governor kena tanggung as compared to mine? Tak ke patut I contohi beliau? Oh my, have you ever thinking of, who will be the next BNM's Governor? I hope he/she must be that someone yang sangat tough. Because, we as Malaysian must have high expectation to the next Governor. Aren't we?

Below are the tips/secrets shares by Zeti. No, I am not interviewing her in person. Haha. I read from Business Times Malaysia. Credit to BTM. :)

Her job is among the most demanding and comes with a lot of pressure, yet Bank Negara Malaysia governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz never loses sleep.

She keeps her cool by staying focused, being driven to deliver, eating right, managing time well and knowing when stress is taking a toll.

"Firstly, it is staying focused on what is to be achieved (and) being very driven," she said, revealing her "secret" at the Women In Leadership Forum Asia in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Malaysia's first central bank woman governor was responding to a question from the floor on "the secret of her staying regal, calm and serene".

The 63-year old Zeti said it is essential to take care of one's health, especially if the person takes on a serious responsibility.

"Eating right (and) having enough sleep, for those who enjoy sleeping," she said, which drew laughter from some 200 forum participants, who were mostly women.

She was previously asked on what kept her awake at night, to which she replied "nothing".

Zeti eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. This reminds Malaysians of her father, Royal Professor Ungku Aziz Ungku Abdul Hamid, who maintains his health on a balanced diet of mainly fruits and vegetables.

She added that time and stress management is very important in her job.

"I don't say I'm not affected by events ... at some point of time, the stress level can be very mighty and hard to endure, but you have to take things in perspective.

"You have the feeling that you don't want to keep your country down, so you give the best that you can," she enthused.

Zeti, who has two children, said a mother has an instinct to protect her family, and this is applicable to women in leadership positions in the public sector, where they would also feel the need to preserve the country's prosperity and stability.

"You also have to know signs that things are taking a toll on you ... recognise your body signals to slow down and recover," the soft-spoken Zeti said, with a smile that never left her face.

She is also fortunate to have a father who always talks about stress management.

"I learned a lot from him," she said, adding that Ungku Aziz just celebrated his 89th birthday last month.

"He commented that he has never worked as hard as I do," she added.

On another question from the floor, Zeti said in Malaysia's financial services industry, there are already future women leaders in the pipeline.

"Many women (in the sector) are now in middle management, so moving forward in the future, there will be more who will rise to leadership positions," she said.

There is also potential for women in the retail business, a huge industry in Malaysia where women form the majority of consumers.

The retail sector has expanded and benefited from Malaysia's emphasis on domestic demand to sustain economic growth.

Earlier in her speech, Zeti said while the opportunities are immense for women in the public sector, few rise to leadership positions.

"While there is still a glass ceiling, as we advance forward into the future, the foundations are already in place for women to advance forward into leadership positions," she said.

For a woman who is a mother, wife and daughter, the sacrifice involved is greater.

"The challenge will be to achieve a balance so that work performance is not being adhered (to) at all cost," she said, adding that support systems at work and home are vital.

Sunday, September 4, 2011