Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pregnant & Fasting

Salam dearie,

I got so many free time today (yeah, im on MC again). Don't know what to do, too tired to lie back and do heavy stuff like cleaning the house or ironing clothes.

I would love to share few issues that I got to know while surviving the pregnancy during fasting month. Seriously, ne la bulan puasa yang I paling tak produktif. Im a bad little caliph :(

Okay, back to the topic. There are few issues like:

Batalkah puasa kalau muntah due to morning sickness?
Nope, you still can continue to fast as long as you still fit. Unless, you tak induce muntah tu la. You know, sometime I feel like throwing up, but it didn't come out. What I do is, gosok-gosok/urut-urut tekak nak bagi muntah keluar sebab sangat tak selesa rasa nak muntah. So, itu kira BATAL puasa. Kalau uwek-uwek sendiri tanpa dapat ditahan, puasa masih SAH. Tapi I usually dah flat abes nak sambung puasa.

Kalau tinggal puas due to pregnancy kena ganti puasa je ke? How about fidyah?
According to the latest edition of Al-Ustaz, if we were worried about our condition only, macam tak larat, heartburn or headache or anything that may harm us (sebab tu tak puasa), then we have to ganti puasa sahaja. Tapi kalau tak puasa sebab risaukan keadaan diri sendiri and baby (gastrik yang mudaratkan baby, risau baby not progressing well), kena ganti puasa dan bayar fidyah.

For those yang tak dapat puasa jangan paksa diri. I was once force myself so hard untuk habiskan puasa sebab malas nak ganti puasa nanti even time tu perut pedih and the only thing I can do was lying back from noon till maghrib. So, kat mana fadhilat Ramadhan tu nak kejar kalau terbaring buat benda tak berguna je kan? Dah la flat abes nak teraweh, takkan amalan siang hari pun nk let it gone camtuh je because you are pregnant? Puasa selagi termampu. Kalau tak mampu jangan paksa. Kesian to little baby inside 'there'. Orang pregnant dapat ruksoh untuk tak puasa. My husband always told me, besar pahala mengandung baby ne tambah-tambah lagi nak survive bulan puasa. So, takde sape nak marah kalau tinggal puasa sebab tak larat.

I read somewhere, one of the key thing to survive during fasting month is the dates. Pregnant ladies are advised to eat at least 7 dates during sahur. For normal people, each date can last for 6hours, so it's enough if we eat atleast 2dates during sahur. But special case to pregnant ladies, because we are going to need energy more than everyone else.

And to survive heartburn during fasting month, please avoid oily and fatty foods. Eat healthily. Such as, yogurt, fruits and foods that is easy to digest. Drink lots and lots of warm water. For me, I preferred sweet drinks sebab lidah selalu payau and I hardly drink plain water. Sebab, menom plain water pun bole muntah balik. What I did was (as per my doc's advised) drink warm water sepanas yang our tongue can tolerate. Kira panas betul la, yang mana takkan melecurkan lidah sendiri. With that, will reduce your nausea feeling. 

That's all what I can share now. Sorry if it might be too late to share, dah nak abes Ramadhan pun kan. 

Happy fasting people. We have 4 more days to go. We are at the final lapse of Ramadhan, so sad that Ramadhan is nearly to its end, and as much as I want this Ramadhan to end (sebab rasa seksa nak survive puasa this time) macam tu jugak la I rasa sedih Ramadhan nak tinggalkan kita. Im worried that I will get back to the old me, Im worried if this Ramadhan Allah tak ampunkan pun dosa-dosa I. Bulan Ramadhan bulan makrifat (bulan keampunan), nescaya rugilah bagi mereka-mereka yang meninggalkan Ramadhan dan Allah masih tidak mengampunkan dosa-dosanya. Nauzubillahiminzalik, moga kita semua tak termasuk dalam golongan yang dimaksudkan. InshaAllah.



  1. U kalau tak larat jgnla puasa tau. Ada jugak yg i dgr tak larat tp puasa jugak sebab taknak ganti puasa. To kesian kan kat baby

    Kejap je ramadhan dh nak abis. Rasa mcm baru je lg.

    Pasal kurma tu i setuju sbb i ada gastrik tp sahur kurma alhamdulillah ok tak lapar :)

    1. Cha- i mmg dh bederet tgl puasa ne. Sahur slalu x lalu makan. Tu yg jd x lrt nk puasa.
      Kejap je Ramadhan dis yr. Dlu slalu kira brapa hari lagi nak raya, tu yg rs lama puasa. Hehe
      U ada gastrik? Mkn pn kena jaga tu kn? Tc dear

  2. ya ya. Tak larat, terpaksa la tinggal. ;( huhu .

    1. Dell.. U pn pregnant? Brapa bln dah? Dont force urself utk posa ye
