Sunday, May 20, 2012

What to Expect When You are Expecting

Salam lovelies...

Yeah, I just wached the movie. It's a sweet movie and it even sweeter if you are really expecting. Too bad it is just not my rezeki yet. I am not complaining, it just somehow I felt it is quite too long for me. I've been married for 5months and some of you might say like still early. If you are at my place, you will feel like a year. Seriously.

I can't help myself from feeling mad at one of my friend. She got married a month before me and when I am back to the office after marriage leave, she told me she's a month pregnant and yet keep on saying that both of them did'nt ready for a baby. And she kept on saying it. If you were at my place, then you know how I can't bear with her. It's not easy at my place and she just can't be thankful enough. Recently, she informed that she's carrying a twin and for me it's double the joy. Unfortunately, at her side it double her trouble.

She've been telling everyone that she's pregnant and she didn't ready for it. And it just made me sick of her. I always think at the bright side, that she's actually happy and excited but she just anxious for something that come earlier than expected.

Rezeki mudah for her. Allah knows the best time for us to get a baby. Maybe, we both don't really ready physically and mentally eventhough we feel like we are more than ready. Right?

I met a friend last week. We got married at the same week. I know I shouldn't asked him about his wife. But I just can't help myself. His wife is 3-months pregnant and I was trying my best to congratulates him with the happy face. We are having lunch at that time and I just couldn't finish my lunch. For those who've been at my shoes, you know how it feels right?

Hmmm.....been talking about the pregnancy issue again. Sorry and I blame the hormones. Haha. Frustrated everytime Im having my period. However, still glad knowing that Im normal, still having period regularly. Plus, I am so stress this weekend because Im bringing home a pile of workload and still couldn't finish it eventhough I've been doing it like 100-hours :(

And tomorrow is Monday already. Penattt!!

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Kasih Sampai ke Syurga

Ada banyak version mengenai hari ibu. Ustaz azhar idrus cakap haram sebab kalau tengok sejarah asal usul sambutan hari ibu tu. Tapi apa-apa pun yang i pegang adalah nawaitu. Dan yang penting adalah setiap hari adalah hari ibu. I am far away from home, jadi tiadalah sambutan untuk meraikan. Dan I x pernah celebrate pun. I kan pemalu. Kalau call pun just wish cepat-cepat. Tapi I selalu panjatkan doa untuk mak I. Sape tak sayang mak kan?

There are so many things yang my mom ever did to me. Too many..

Ingat lagi, dulu I study kat boarding school. Dulu kami sekeluarga hidup susah. We don't even have a car. Ada moto je 2 bijik. Prinsip mak I, mak I taknak ada hutang. Kalau mati,hutang tak abes bayar nyusahkan orang yang hidup ja. Mak I adalah pengurus wang terbaek. Ever.

Moto yang 2 bijik tu la, guna buat angkut barang pergi berniaga kat kedai. Kalau nak jalan jauh macam hantar abang I pergi UTM Skudai, kami pinjam kete arwah pakteh. Masa tok I ada teksi dulu, selalu gak pinjam teksi atok I. So, dah biasa kalo tengah jalan-jalan tu orang tahan teksi yang kami sekeluarga naek. And now, kadang-kadang bila naek keta, ada orang tahan teksi/bas kat belakang, mesti teringat zaman naek teksi dulu.

Masa kt asrama, mak I without fail akan datang lawat I every week. Datang je mesti bawa nasik, lauk, buah, beskot, sabun mandi, ubat gigi dan segala barang keperluan. And mak I pergi visit I naek moto okay, merempit sorang-sorang bawah panas mentari. Kat tempat duduk belakang tu la, mak I letak pelantar besi dan ikat barang2 yang nak dibawa. Mak I buat macam tu every single week sepanjang 5 tahun I kat asrama. Gigih kan mak I?

Kalau mak I datang dengan abah, barang yang nak dibawa tu mak I akan pangku sepanjang hampir 1jam setengah tu. Last year I balik kampung then bawak parents I pergi Kuala Nerang yang mana I akan lalu sekolah lama I. I drove the car and I rasa ya Allah jauhnya nak pass by my school. Just imagine kalau bawak moto, macam mana kan?

Sampai sekarang kalau I teringat, I akan rasa yang I takkan sanggup buat macam tu kat anak I nanti. Bukan calang-calang orang bole buat macam mak I. Hebat giler.

Even I bukan la kaya/berjaya sekarang tapi alhamdulillah dapat tolong my parents. True enough, education can help us change our life. I don't think I have my parents proud yet, because as a daughter I am trying my very best to make them happy. I'm glad that I never ask money from my parents after I earned my own money. All I want is just to make them happy.

Love both of them so much. Especially when I realized is not easy to work and at the same tine taking care of the family, doing the laundry, house chores and etc.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Breakfast : Tuna Roll

Salam and happy Sunday everyone!!

Am going to share simple and quick breakfast for you guys to prepare for the loved ones.

I am using bloggerdroid to type this post and I hope it answering why the pictures 1st before salam and I start merapu. Tak boleh kan picture kat tengah2 post? Ke bole, I je yang taktau. Haha.

What you need are:

(1) white bread - im using gardenia

(2) tuna mayonese - ayambrand, i perah limau nipis sket nak hilangkan bau ikan dan gaul dan panaskan dalam microwave

(3) white egg - act as glue

Okay. It's sooo easy peasy you ols.

You need to roll the bread senipis yang mungkin. Makin nipis makin crunchy. Then, put the tuna as much as you want. Butttt,tuna yang berlebihan bisa buat inti tekeluar dari roti. Lepastu gulung,macam you ols selalu buat popia tu dan gamkan dengan telor putih. Dah siap, boleh terus deep fried. And serve it while it hot. Kalau tengok pic tuna roll i kat atas memang hancuss sebab bajet bole multitask la kunun. Sambil goreng sambil sidai baju. Ya ampunn, tapi yang hitam tu plak yg rangup. Ekekek~ cover abes. Eh eh, roti ats and bawah sekali yang kita selalu x suka makan tu yang paling sedap bila dah di goreng. Cuma part mencanai nak bagi nipis tu lemah sikit la. Perlu extra hard work.

And we will only use a little of the egg ja. The balance (together with yellow egg) I akan buat scramble egg pastu nanti makan sekali ngan tuna roll. Tuna juga bole diganti dengan sardin. Tapi sardin need extra work sebab kena masakkan dan hancurkan sardin dulu, letak limau nipis dan air asam jawa dan masak sampai kering. Kalau tuna bole gaul dan panaskan dalam microwave aje. I kan tak rajin nak sedia kuali nak masak sardin dan part nak basuh tu yang I paling malas. Hehe.

Bear in mind, jangan buat ne tetiap hari. Sebabb sangatlah unhealthy. You know, deep fried, white bread and the soft texture of bread yang handal absorb oil are the 3-kill elements in our diet. Kalau sesekali time malas nk prepare this for breakfast okay la. Kata nak kurus kan? Hehe

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Featured in Inspirasi Pengantin June Edition

Whoaaaa.. Tajuk nak sensasi aje kan? Lalalalala~ But, it is for real. Though it is nothing much for me to get excited. Kakti the owner of FINGER STORY yang should get all the credit. Hee.

I just told her,what type of flowers I want, the color combo and the grey wrap on the pillow. And the mastermind would always be Kakti.

I don't have my laptop with me right now, so i cannot upload the upclose pictures. I might review on the hantaran later.

I am a happy and satisfied customer. To those northern brides, you might want to consider Kakti as your hantaran deco. She also did my guestbook deco, bride's room deco and hand bouquets. Going to review on it laterr.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hidup Bermewah

Assalamualaikum lovelies

I have a friend who think money is everything. Yeah, dia ingat dia ada everything in the world. Dapat suami yang gaji masyuk so dia tend to look at us (yang gaji mencukupi tapi tak semewah macam dia and living a normal life) ne macam pelik dan tak boleh terima. Dia suka judge orang based on gaji. Macam kalau ada orang gaji rendah daripada dia buat something yang dia marah, dia akan cakap 'no wonder la,tengok la job nature dia camne'. Boleh?

Thanks to Allah yang bagi I kesabaran banyak-banyak nak face this kind of friend.

What made me write on this post is when i heard the ustaz from 'Tanyalah Ustaz' said 'Tak hidup mewah takpe,janji Allah bagi nikmat'. So trueee. He said,nikmat tu macam dapat tidur lena malam-malam, anak-anak pandai mengaji, hati tenang, kesihatan baik-baik aja. Do you know how I felt? Yes, I felt better. Ustaz tu buat I rasa syukur alhamdulillah. The first point dah cukup buat orang yang appreciate good sleep macam I ne rasa I need that nikmat more than having luxurious life.

Bila kte kejar kebendaan (duniawi), sentiasa je rasa tak cukup. Contoh paling dekat, i've been wanted to have coach handbag ever since i started working. And now, i already have it. So, what's next? New design handbag? or strive for gucci/chanel/salvatore ferragamo/burberry pulak? See, it's not going to end. Sentiasa rasa tak cukup. Nak lagi, nak lagi dan lagi.

Sentiasa bersederhana dan bersyukur dengan nikmat melimpah ruah, inshaallah kita dah memang hidup mewah dalam definis kepuasan kita sendiri :)

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kalau hati bisa ngomong

Am currently missing my husband.  Haha (okay,it's so weird after claimed that I miss him pastu gelak berdekah HAHA). I am not really good expressing my feelings publicly.

Since getting married, we both tak pernah berpisah. I mean the longest pun time working hours. So, bila my hubs cakap nak pergi mencadat sotong kat terengganu, i was like okay,sure,no problem. Butt,bila dah dekat tarikh nak pergi which is pagi tadi i memang dah gelabah,risau. I'm afraid that I'm not going to survive.

Yeah,no matter how independent I am all this while (before married) bila somehow lepas kawen I have my hubs all the time terus rasa berdikari tu hilang. Sungguh. Dulu masa kt rumah sewa di flat yang kawasan banyak kes curi, foreigner ramai bukan main, i berani tido sorang berhari-hari bila housemate i balik kampung. But now, dekat umah yang sistem security bole diharapkan i memang tak berani stay sorang-sorang.

I was so clumsy today. I dont know, jadi tak keruan bila my hubs jauh dimata. I have to fry the ikan bilis twice sebab hangit. The first time was because I was on the phone with my hubs pastu letak telefon terus terlupa ikan bilis and terus pergi cuci toilet. Sekali tengok rumah berasap kelam kabut ikan bilis dah hitam legam. Then, goreng lagi sekali sambil basuh periuk. Tiba-tiba hilang ingatan,basuh periuk tak habis,paip air tak tutup terus pergi susun tupperware dalam almari. Terbau hangit, cepat-cepat selamatkan ikan bilis. Agak hangit sedikit,tapi redha sebab dah malas nak goreng semula.

I met one of my bestfriend around 4pm today and she had to leave early. So, memikirkan yang takut tak sempat maghrib, i decided solat terus kt KL Festival City. Bila bejalan sorang-sorang tu, oh yeah 'i miss him' feeling tu macam menusuk sangat.  :(

Then, sampai kat parking keta,baru i realized yang i tak locked the car. Boleh? Again, kelam kabut check kot2 ada benda missing. Haish, pastu boleh pulak wrong way. I dont know what I have in mind.

Dah drive dalam 15mins, i noticed few cars angkat lampu tinggi kat I? I was like,????. Rupanya tak bukak lampu kereta. Duhhhhhh

I decided to overnight at my Parents-In-Law,sebab surely i tak berani tido sorang. So, now while typing this, i am hardly sleep and berdoa i akan cepat lelap so esok cepat datang. Hew.

Husband i pergi 2hari semalam je tapi i gelisah sungguh. Bila baca few blogs yang the couple staying apart and only met once a week, i rasa ape la sangat kes i ne kan?

It made me realized how dependant am i to my hubs. How marriage life has changed me to and how I lose my sifat berdikari. Sebab dulu I just dont have problem nak duduk makan kat kedai sorang-sorang. Nak keluar window shopping sorang-sorang. Sekarang? I might rather stay at home than not having my husband accompanying me.

Let's say anything bad happen to our husband (touch wood), are we going to survive. It buys some time kan nak get used to it. As such,it's important girls to have whatever preparation needed. Having the driving licensed is essential. Yes,it's must be the top priority.

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