Saturday, February 25, 2012

Budaya Orang Sekarang?

Ohhh.. Orang sekarang lepas aqad nikah terus tepuk tangan eh? Budaya apakah? Bukankah lebih afdhal terus angkat tangan recite alhamdulillah and al-fatihah.

No matter how modern the world is. No matter how glamour your wedding is, tepuk tangan right after the lafaz sah is NOT cool.

I am so excited to watch the solemnization's video of Yusry and Lisa Surihani. But the clapping hand did turn me off.

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  1. Haha never been to nikah yg btepuk tangan. Macam tak senonoh je. Spoil mood suci bla dgr org tepuk meriah2
